More and more progressively, I’m seeing so many south Asians embrace their heritage, culture and history, through various creative mediums and I feel that I am one of those creatives. What has been great about this, is the increase in platforms purely centred around authentically representing south Asian culture and those who embrace through creativity. What has been great about these platform is that they bring together the south Asian community/ diaspora across the world more and more. Here are some pages that I love.

Radha by Kishangarh, 20th Century Rajasthan, India
Being a creative that is strongly inspired by south Asian culture, as mentioned before it is quite hard to find research and inspiration, that I can refer to. Coming across this page which feature so many of the Indian subcontinent historical art, which has also been set up to “decolonising“ many people’s Instagram feeds. This is page that I have not only referred to for art history research but also within my shoots to recreate some of the iconic poses, to retell history from South Asian point of view, with a more westernised twist.
Check out more historical features of the Indian subcontinent on their Instagram:

Photography by me ©, a featured post on Desi Girl Aesthetics
Check out more my work on my Instagram:
Check out more of their work on their Instagram, to see other talented south Asian creatives:

Make up// styling// creative direction// photography by Shaista Deen, a post featured on Rani Aesthetic
Check out more of Shaista‘s work on her Instagram:
Check out more of their work on their Instagram, to see more talented south Asian creatives:
What I love about both these pages is that they grown authentically through bring more an more genuine representation to various south Asian creatives of many talents, whilst also helping then grow as artists through their platforms, they have so many south Asian creatives the chance to connect with each other across the world. These pages have been strong references in my past shoots because they post work of many south Asians who were born and raised in westernised countries but have embraced their heritage through art, creatives who area lot like me in that sense.
Math x