In my previous posts I've spoken about how I've tried to keep creative during the second lockdown - this was way before the tier system existed let alone the idea of being in a third lockdown. Still being a university student has meant that I've sort of had no choice to but to continue creating work somehow - which left me to turn to still life photography. Something that I have explored before in different environment and circumstance, which for me meant that work wasn't well planned compared to the work I'm making now; but also having gone into a third lockdown has just meant having had more time and experience to adjusted to the situation, which has meant my creative practice has taken a different direction and progression.

This shoot and concept was inspired by sentimental, cultural and religious objects and artefacts, that I have around at home. This particular image was inspired by the cultural and religious significance of mirrors within Tamil culture. Mirrors have an unexpected but key aspect with Tamil culture. In a wedding, the bride and groom are given a mirror by the priest to see what they look like as a married couple for the first time. There is also this belief that a mirror brought for a new home also with images of deities by a priest should never by broken, something that my mum has taught me. There's also a few other beliefs and concepts that I explored through this particular shoot that you can see below.
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This idea was inspired by a few and important conversations that I had with my mum regarding different aspects of Tamil culture - this particular image has a really strong significant religious meaning, but also nostalgic. Within Hinduism, the Om symbol varies from culture to culture and this what it looks like within Tamil culture. The Om symbol on a chain is something that has sentimental value for me as it is something we’re gifted by our parents siblings when we’re born. As a lot of my work is really inspired by my own personal history and experience, it only made sense to do a shoot with my mum and have her hold these important objects. There's also a few other beliefs and concepts that I explored through this particular shoot that you can see below.
You can see more here:
Photography by me ©
Math x