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  • Writer's pictureMathushaa Sagthidas

MESA Minimalism: The New Generation

Working with MESA Magazine (a group of creative and hardworking woman) to shine a light of really amazing Middle Eastern and South Asian talents has been a beautiful experience so far, looking forward to sharing more from this shoot!

“THE NEXT GENERATION” - MESA Magazine x Lone Design Club

Profiling five pioneering talents across fashion, beauty and music which we will be releasing over the coming weeks..


@_prittmusic - Pritt is a South-London raised songstress putting Tamil music on the map.

@nooriyah._ - DJ Nooriyah is an Arab music specialist DJ and radio host.

@yasitskrishy - Karishma Leckraz is a content creator and eczema awareness campaigner.

@efetishism - Efrem Damiani is the Syrian-Italian fashion designer ‘turning Arabs into hoes.'

@rahemurrahman - Rahemur Rahman is an artist, director and sustainable fashion designer platforming Bangladeshi textiles.


Art Direction and shoot coordination Kardelen Yuce (@kardelenyuce__ & Armani Syed @armani_sy)

Mathushaa Sagthidas (@mathuxphotos)

Videography and BTS Sparsh Ahuja (@photosparsh)

Production and Set Charlotte McGing (@charlottemcging)

Sound by Hashim Shamsi (@hashim.95)

Styling Jahnavi Sharma (@jahnavixi)

Styling Assistant Armani Syed (@armani_sy)

Words & Interviews Kiran Saggu (@kswaggu) Ketki Mahabaleshwarkar (@ketkimkar) Jeevan Ravindran (@jeevanravindran) Armani Syed (@armani_sy) Kardelen Yuce (@kardelenyuce__)

PR Laura McCluskey (@lauramccluskeypr)

Hair John Harte (@johnhartehair) Joshua Mascolo (@joshuamascolohair)

Make Up Makeup By Agne Didzgalvyte (@agne_did) and Mia Ray (@mia.ray.mua) on behalf of AOFMPro

With special thanks to Dave and Sonia at LDC.

You can see more of the images here!

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